Outlaws Swamp Trails v1.1.4
Starting area has it all, follow the short paved road to the two trails.
Go left for Megatrucks or really lifted trucks.
Go right for challenging narrow side trail that follows the swamp run.
The difference between the trails is,
the left trail gets DEEP
the right trail does not get DEEP till towards the end of the swamp run.
UPDATE: Tons of new trails added. Huge Jumps added as well!!!
Recommended Truck: Limes ARES 2.0
-Stock Suspension
-46″-48″ tire
There is an optional side trail that leads to a wet 8 ball track, check the map, don’t get lost!
Once you complete the swamp run you come to a dried out swampass flag pond with three short trails Left, Middle, Right. I won’t spoil it but each run has it’s own challenge.
After you make it through the flag pond, you come to a challenging rough mountain climb, if you make it through you will meet the beast of a stream that is insanely hard to traverse.
That concludes the progress of this map thus far.
I’m going to continue developing it so make sure to show your support by dropping a thumbs up!!
In it’s current state the map is still a blast to play with friends.
9-18-23 –
Began developing lake front homes and yard trails.
Added tons of new narrow trails for some bush wackin’
Added a main road that splinters off to trails and meets at the garage.
Added Industrial Complex with large jumps for the dales.
Coming SOON:
More detail to new trails added, more realistic mud.
Lake front homes – You will be able to mud through peoples yards in super realistic peanut butter like trails that meander through back yards. From ghost towns to trailer parks outlaws swamp trails will have it all.
Coming Later: Challenges and missions.