Russian Playground and Tweaks V1.0.2 Map
Work with SnowRunner V4.10
Hello, this mod is a set of tweaks for trucks, trailers, cargos and environment, to make the game more realistic and challenging and a tweak for start a Russian pathway
All tweaks are in separate folders, so you can choose what you want to install or not
WARNING: It work ONLY with manual installation, subsribe just let you know when an update is avaible
Russian playground:
-Main Mod:
Unlock all russian vehicles, upgrade, cosmetics
Adjusted frame addons and cranes position
Remove tank and maintainer US addons for russian trucks
Added 400l capacity for kung frame addon
Added new spares wheels for Voron trucks
Added original sideboard frame addon and mini crane for Azov 4220 Antartic
Added snorkels for Tuz 420 Tatarin
Raised Azov 73210, Voron D53233, Step 310E suspensions
Softer Zikz 5368, Khan Lo4F, Don 71 suspensions
Allow semi trailer for Zikz 5368 whith mini crane
Remove Yar 87 roofrack beacon lights
Change Azov 5319 and 64131 to Heavy classes
Warning: install this tweaks AFTER ‘Trucks Damage Steering Gearboxes and Fuel Tank’ if you use both
-Kung Trailer Fuel Capacity:
Added 750l capacity for kung trailer
Warning: could conflict with tasks who asks to bring back a kung trailer if you dont start a new game (due to the fuel capacity set to 0 on a current game for the kung trailers allready spawned on the map)
Trucks modifications:
-Trucks Steering Damage Gearboxes and Fuel Tank:
Adjusted back steer speed, responsiveness
Lowered damage capacity (take a spare wheel)
Reworked the automatic gearboxes
Reworked fuel capacity and fuel consumption
-Tires Pressures and Grip for Highway Tires:
Lowered a little bit the tires pressures, and added better grip for highway tires (they remain useless in the mud)
-Cranes Strenght:
Increase the strenght of the cranes and reduce the weight of big cranes
-Winches Lenght:
Increase the lenght of the winches, +5m
Trailers modifications:
-Military Fuel Trailer:
Big military fuel trailer avaible on trailers dealers
Capacity 6000l, price 9200
-Repair Box for Semi Trailers:
Added 150 repairs capacity for the semi trailers flat bed and sideboard
Waring: the icon of number of loads was remplaced by the repair capacity, it is just a ‘ui bug’ doesnt affect the load capacity
Cargos modifications:
-Cargo Weight:
Adjust cargo weight some are lighter, some are heavier
Environment modifications:
-Trees Branches Weaker:
Now you can pass trought the tree branches (without doing a backflip)
-Vegetation Collisions:
Better collisions with grass, leaves and twigs
-Trucks Soil:
Mud and snow splashes stay longer on vehicles
-Exhaust Smoke:
Increase duration of smoke and fog exhaust
-Damaged Engine Effects:
Remove engine sparks effects
-Honk Distortion and Dust:
Remove honk distortion and dust effects
-Intake Effect:
Remove intake effects
-Achievement Effects:
Remove achievement effects
Water splashes are darkers and stay longer on vehicles
Increase rain fall speed
Improved cameras clip