Hello SnowRunner community I got a new map for you to Explore. It has mud to smash, rocks to climb, obstacles to overcome, and some switch back trails to drive. There is multiple garages, fuel stations, and trailer stores spread across this 50×50 map. I tried to add missions but have been having issues with it. Ive read the guide and still couldnt figure it out lol. Once I figure out how to add those I will add them. Until then though there are some fun trails to go on. Some of them are not very wide so wider vehicles wont fit. There is also a few spots where you pass under a bridge and the camera goes crazy. If you just slowly drive straight you shouldnt drive off the cliff. Well I hope that people enjoy exploring somewhere new and if anyone has any suggestions or finds any problems please post them in the comments and I will try and to attend to or add fixes. Again I will be adding missions once I figure what Im doing wrong in that menu. Well until next map keep on wheeling.
p.s if anyone can post a video link on how to add missions that would be great because i couldnt find anything.