Wyre Floods 0.82
Hello .. this is my first map for snowrunners i have put in around 250+hours so far its a follow on to wyre woods i did for mudrunners and i am opening it up to the public to play as i update it as i will be taking a small break to work on other projects for TNB.
This is a trailing map and built around the 4×4 vehicles (others can be used) its been tested on all standard in game 4×4’s not heavy trucks i also have not tested it with mods except edits of the ingame ones i feel these provide a much better simulated experience for now.
To install the map Manually download the zip file open it .. inside the zip file will be the map pak file ..
copy that file to the mods directory of the game .. usually located here .. C:UsersYOURNAMEDocumentsMy GamesSnowRunnerMediaMods
To start the map you need to go to custom scenarios click a new save game then the map will start mods also work fine.
The start begins with a slow but dangerous rock crawl to the hill.. after that you have to make it up the rock climb mountain .. you have a guide of the oil pipes for your line and you can use them to winch
After this you need to make it the farm .. Once you have made it past the shops and under the bridge your next challenge is to get to the village… There you will find many trails and these can be run anyway .. Please note the trails are all work in progress and will change as i update the map . Some trails going down i advise to use the hanbrake and slowly use the brakes they are extremely steep angled… And Vehicles will tip depending on how your drive and what vehicle your in…. When missions are available the objectives will work i have set many up so for now there just scenery. There are over 2500 models at the moment on the map .
The dev tools can be accessed by running the game once and restarting it.
Thanks for downloading and i hope you enjoy the map.
Thanks To Jim/Frank/Stoeptegal For helping my test and reporting early feedback without them this would of not been possible.