Yaaz-210g 1.0
YaAZ-210G is a ballast tractor designed for the carriage of goods weighing up to 40 tons. The history of the creation of the three-axle heavy truck YaAZ-210 dates back to January 1941, a group of YAGAZ engineers under the leadership of chief designer V.V. Osepchugov was seconded to the industry institute US to develop the design of a new car, the launch of which was associated with the planned modernization of the Yaroslavl Automobile Plant (YaAZ) (according to plans, it was to be completed in 1942). Then, along with the two-axle vehicles: the onboard Ya-14 and the Ya-17 dump truck, it was planned to create a three-axle truck – the Ya-16. An American GMC-803 truck with a two-stroke four-cylinder GMC 4-71 110 hp engine was adopted as a prototype in the design of a promising family.